Congratulations to the Winners of the 2017 Brown Award for Excellence in Legal Writing
First Place: $10,000 to Caroline Fish for her paper, Extraterritorial Human Trafficking Prosecutions: Eliminating Zones of Impunity within the Limits of International Law and Due Process, Sponsored by Margaret E. McGuinness, St. John’s University School of Law.
First Place: $10,000 to Alan M. Vester for his paper, Hybrid Immigration Preemption, Sponsored by David Rubenstein, Washburn University School of Law.
Third Place: $3,000 to Christopher Michael Johnson for his paper, Ecotypes and Killer Whales: Adopting a Scientific Concept to Guide the Endangered Species Act’s “Distinct Population Segments,” Sponsored by Alexia Brunet Marks, University of Colorado Boulder.
Finalist: $1,000 to David Berke for his paper, Reworking the Revolution: Treasury Rulemaking & Administrative Law, Sponsored by Anne L. Alstott, Yale Law School.
Finalist: $1,000 to Elisabeth Winston Lambert for her paper, A Way Out of the “Rotten Social Background” Stalemate: “Scarcity” and Stephen Morse’s Proposed Generic Partial Excuse, Sponsored by Michael O’Hear, Marquette University Law School.
Donations of $5,000 will be made to the scholarship fund selected by the Dean of the law school of each of our two first-place winners, St. John’s University School of Law and Washburn University School of Law.
The Judge John R. Brown Foundation expresses its sincere appreciation to the judges of our final panel: Honorable W. Eugene Davis, Circuit Judge, United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, Dean Gregg Vetter, University of Houston Law Center, and Professor Shannon Moritz, Director, Legal Research and Writing Program, University of Illinois College of Law.